Posts in Nutrition
How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need?

Social media is an onslaught of information that's so overwhelming! The truth is, studies show that protein intake does, indeed, need to increase during these years, and here are the reasons why:

1. Muscle Preservation in Hormonal Transition

With declining estrogen levels, our bodies become less efficient at building and maintaining muscle. Higher protein intake helps combat this, preserving our strength and vitality….

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Eating for Happiness

Researchers have discovered all kinds of new relationships between food and mood, and the results paint a clear picture: What you consume directly influences your happiness, including factors like stress, anxiety, and emotional stability. I mean, how could you not be curious with this kind of proof?

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Why Prebiotics Are a Big Deal

Our current health epidemic and the rise of chronic diseases can be tied to rapid changes in our diet & cultural practices, hyper-sanitization, increasing rates of C-section births, immunizations and antibiotic excesses, decreases in plant food intake, carbohydrate-heavy diets, and the increase in GMO foods.

All these factors have created a recipe for microbiota disruption, dysbiosis (too much bad bacteria), and the loss of ecological diversity.

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Favorite Hormone Balancing Anti-Inflammatory Seed Mix

This seed mix is my favorite hormone balancing anti-inflammatory blend and here's why!

They contain Vitamin E*, Omega 3- and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for hormone production and ovarian follicular function. Also, Vitamin E is really good for the health of your skin.

*Found in flax seeds, sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds…

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How to have strong bones through perimenopause and menopause

After we turn 30 we begin to lose bone density, which accelerates at perimenopause and really advances once we hit menopause around 50.

Menopause dramatically speeds up bone loss. After menopause, your ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen, which helps keep your bones strong.

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30 Million Women Suffer from Thyroid Problems and Most Don't Know

I see thyroid issues in at least 70% of the women I'm working with these days, so I feel passionate about educating people on this subject and helping people feel better.

So, in honor of Thyroid Awareness Month I wanted to share with you why your thyroid is oh-so important, some symptoms to look out for, and many of the natural ways you can support it!

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Big love from my Gal Pal!

As a functional nutrition coach that specializes in women’s health, I get asked questions all the time about what’s going on in your body related to hormones, digestion, inflammation, insomnia, and skin issues.

The truth is, every single person has their own bio-individual make-up, which means the answer is different for everybody depending on your health history, lifestyle, and more, but one thing is almost always true…just about all health issues start in the gut.

Know why?

Because your gut (aka, your digestive system) is truly the foundation of your health, both inside and out.

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Mood-boosting foods: walnuts & nutritional yeast + vegan pesto recipe!

I’m back with another two foods that boost your mood. Many of us know what it is to turn to food when we’re feeling down, anxious, or stressed. And while eating greasy, salty, or sweet food feels oh-so good in the moment, they have damaging effects, including inflammation, dysregulated blood sugar, headaches, and weight gain.

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Magnesium is a critical mineral missing in most of our diets

You may have heard about magnesium deficiency, as it’s been in the news for good reason. Our soil is being depleted of critical nutrients, and chemical processing takes additional nutrients out of our food supply, so it's no wonder symptoms of magnesium deficiency are on the rise. Digestive issues, such as leaky gut, can lead to malabsorption, and medications like antacids decrease absorption, while diuretics increase urinary excretion of magnesium.

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A Ray of Sunshine for Your Health

I'm back after a long pause. The last four-ish months have been a long pause for everyone, in one way or another. I'm guessing it looks different for each of you, but I'm hoping you're doing ok and finding grace where you can.

…One of the things that's making me crazy is how little anybody is talking about what we can do to help our immune systems so we can naturally stave off any viruses in the coming months.

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Are YOU Estrogen Dominant?

Today I'm writing about something near and dear to my heart, and that's estrogen dominance (ED). Why, you ask? This is something I've experienced the last couple years, so I'm quite close to it (and my guess is many of you are too). I've studied, researched, taken classes, and pretty much tried to become an expert in it, so I thought I'd share some knowledge with you all.

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Best Gluten Free Blueberry Pancakes!

On this penultimate day of school I decided to get up a little earlier and make the boys these delicious pancakes. You won't know they're gluten free! And I love that they're full of fiber so they're really filling. Today, I used unsweetened cashew milk instead of almond milk and they were just as good. Also, the boys don't like coconut oil so I used good ol' fashioned butter in the pan (grass-fed of course!). :)

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Start This Now and Stay Healthy For Fall

Wanna know what I suggest to all of my 1-on-1 clients about now? Here it is. It's time to get yourself onto a quality, broad spectrum probiotic. Probiotics add healthy bacteria to your digestive tract, creating balance and a strong immunity. Did you know that 70% of your immunity is located there, in your digestive tract?

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Fight Disease With This Super(food) Coffee

Alright coffee drinkers, this is for you!

Every time I lead a program that eliminates coffee there's a lot of grief and anxiety. People LOVE their morning ritual and I get it. I love it too. Who doesn't love the smell, and the quick pick-me-up it delivers?

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Thrive Thru the Holidays with me!

Hello lovely, Can you believe the holidays are upon us? I'm trying to wrap my brain around it already being November. I think I feel like this every year, and every year I'm shocked that it comes so fast. Then, I vow to stay peaceful, grounded, keep my gift buying to only extremely meaningful experiences or gifts, keep my good digestion intact, and not gain weight. Sound familiar?

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Top 10 Holistic Fall Medicine Cabinet Supplements (including kiddo suggestions!)

Happy fall! Can you believe it's here already? While I am still wishing there were hot, sunny days, I am looking at the beautiful fall colors and focusing on being present and accepting What IS.

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