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Imagine feeling the joy that comes with a light, energetic, strong body. Imagine getting through your day without exhaustion, mood swings or constant cravings. Now imagine loving the body you’re in, every day. Full stop.
Imagine feeling the joy that comes with a light, energetic, strong body. Imagine getting through your day without exhaustion, mood swings or constant cravings. Now imagine loving the body you’re in, every day. Full stop.
You’re smart, capable and committed to taking action when something is important to you. You’re busy taking care of business: children to care for, a job to go to, and activities that require a piece of you all day long. You know how to take care of just about anything that comes your way because you’re resourceful and confident about your abilities. Others look at you as a source of strength and ask you for advice.
But when it comes to your energy, moods, a, you struggle. You’ve tried so many different diets, followed the advice in the latest health magazine, taken supplements that have claims to be the magic bullet, and workout like cray-Z! You feel like you’re doing all the right things and yet you still don’t feel great.
“I don’t have time to take my supplements, take a shower, or make myself a great lunch because I have to take care of everybody else first. The kids, the laundry, the running around, the dropping off… I have to remember everything on my to-do list. I have no time!”
Then there’s this zinger:
“I’ll feel happier and sexier when…”
You know that one? We’ve all done it. Sounds a bit like this:
“I hate my body, I am just going to sign up for a marathon and do that insanity workout thing…I’m going to do that and then I’ll be sexy again. I’ll be happy then.”
This is a voice we all can understand. The inner critic. The voice that keeps us from living the life we want right now. The one that makes us wait until we’ve done just one more thing.
It’s all so disempowering. And, exhausting. None of the fads or diet books take into account the “whole person.”
You show up for yourself and you know there’s no quick fix to feeling your best. You’re willing to go the extra mile to learn more of the key to the puzzle and upgrade your diet and lifestyle and hone in on the particulars unique to you and your body.
It’s depressing to feel like you’ve lost your luster. Your GLOW. You may have difficulty losing weight, a foggy brain, period problems, fatigue that doesn’t really let up, or you’re just kind of blah and cranky all the time. Depressed and anxious? Could be. And most likely, you have no energy for sex.
My most heartfelt mission is to help women navigate and sift through all the messages that have been bombarding you and break free of old notions. To guide you to the sweet spot. The place where you stop putting off the joys of living and stop depriving and blaming yourself. You can heal your body through the right kinds of foods. You can change the way you think and feel about food and your body.
It’s about turning your body into your bestie. It’s about listening, becoming in-tune so the two of you can tango again. It’s about rocking your inner voice and putting your SELF first.
Abundant energy—all day!
Weight loss
Less mood swings
Regulated periods
Fabulous skin (clear up premature aging, acne, rosacea, and dermatitis)
Balanced blood sugar
Lower cholesterol and blood pressure (without pills)
Clearer skin and sinuses
Fewer colds and flu
Healthier hair, skin, and nails
Reduced risk of chronic disease
No more digestive distress
Mental clarity and a sense of wellbeing
Freedom from food cravings
Strong bones and pain-free joints
Better sleep
It’s about discovering how you feel when you nourish yourself in the right way. It’s about listening to and trusting what your body is telling you. And it’s about actually enjoying what you’re eating because you’ve transformed the way you think about food. And frankly, it’s downright magical.
So if you’re ready to connect mind, body, and soul for lasting health benefits
IF YOU’RE READY TO reclaim your body and restore your GLOW…
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