Magnesium is a critical mineral missing in most of our diets

You may have heard about magnesium deficiency, as it’s been in the news for good reason. Our soil is being depleted of critical nutrients, and chemical processing takes additional nutrients out of our food supply, so it's no wonder symptoms of magnesium deficiency are on the rise. Digestive issues, such as leaky gut, can lead to malabsorption, and medications like antacids decrease absorption, while diuretics increase urinary excretion of magnesium.

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A Ray of Sunshine for Your Health

I'm back after a long pause. The last four-ish months have been a long pause for everyone, in one way or another. I'm guessing it looks different for each of you, but I'm hoping you're doing ok and finding grace where you can.

…One of the things that's making me crazy is how little anybody is talking about what we can do to help our immune systems so we can naturally stave off any viruses in the coming months.

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Beautycounter launches potent anti-aging product line: Countertime

My favorite clean beauty company just unveiled a really potent new line of anti-aging products that I'm super excited about. So far, the results people are reporting back are amazing. It's called Countertime and it's formulated to visibly reverse signs of aging, reduce the look of wrinkles, visibly firm skin, and create a glowing complexion. Using two plant derivatives, they created a complex comparable to retinol, but without the potentially harmful side effects.

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NEUROFEEDBACK :: Physical therapy for the brain

You can think of NF as EEG Biofeedback. Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation. Good self-regulation is necessary for optimal brain function. Self-regulation training enhances the function of the central nervous system and thereby improves mental performance, emotional control and physiological stability.  

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Losing weight is almost NEVER just about the food you eat

Well, for one, it's because "diets" are all about restriction and deprivation, and that's an incredibly hard thing to sustain. I've seen so many women follow a plan perfectly, lose the weight...but then months later gain it back because it wasn't a sustainable plan to begin with. It

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My son's immuno-deficieny & our journey in more detail

This last week I was moved to share with my private women’s health and wellness community on FB more details about the journey I’ve been on over my son’s immune-deficiency (and now I want to share it with you). My hope is that it will help somebody else out there who is dealing with a long term chronic issue to NOT. GIVE. UP.

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The two reasons you overeat!

Essentially, there is generally one reason that we are overweight and that's because we overeat. I say generally because there ARE times when hormones (this includes insulin, leptin, ghrelin, estrogen, etc.) are dysregulated and that can play a big part of why somebody is having a challenging time with weight loss, but today I want to talk about the two reasons why we overeat and those are...hunger and desire.

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Last minute gift ideas for him and her!

Here’s 9 healthy last minute gift ideas to stuff a stocking or place under the tree!

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Are YOU Estrogen Dominant?

Today I'm writing about something near and dear to my heart, and that's estrogen dominance (ED). Why, you ask? This is something I've experienced the last couple years, so I'm quite close to it (and my guess is many of you are too). I've studied, researched, taken classes, and pretty much tried to become an expert in it, so I thought I'd share some knowledge with you all.

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Why I Ditched ALL My Makeup and Skincare!

A few years ago I visited a dermatologist to ask about a couple brown spots that had shown up on my face and she asked if I’d been wearing sunscreen. Chagrined, I admitted that I hadn’t been doing much of that (I DO live in the PNW for goodness sake), and she told me that they would continue to get darker if I didn’t start to protect them.

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